This recipe is too easy to prepare. If you want you can also add vanilla essence and cinnamon powder. Some chocolate chips would also be perfect but if we don't have them on hand these days it doesn't matter. So simple they were delicious.

4 tablespoons butter
1 egg
1 cup of milk
2 tablespoons of sugar
1/2 tablespoon of baking powder
2 ears
1 cup ground oat bran flakes
Mash the bananas in a bowl until you get a puree, then mix with the ground oats, baking powder, sugar, milk and egg, stir until everything is perfectly mixed.
In a nonstick skillet over low heat, melt some Bonella® and add a large spoonful of the pancake mix, let it cook until bubbles appear on the surface, then flip and brown.
You can accompany your pancakes with maple syrup and strawberries or blueberries on top.